Episode 37: The Murder of Angela Palmer

On October 27th, 1984, residents of 317 Main Street in Auburn, Maine called police and firefighters to their apartment building. Smoke had been coming from an apartment- the home of Cynthia Palmer, her two young daughters, and her boyfriend, John Lane. Although seemingly quiet and introverted, neighbors had not had an issue with the family- until the night before, when loud religious music had been played and remained on for upwards of 24 hours.

When firefighters arrived on scene, they made an absolutely horrendous discovery. In the kitchen, the oven had been cranked to 550 degrees Fahrenheit, and placed inside was the body of 4-year-old Angela Palmer. She was the youngest daughter of Cynthia, a girl known for being sweet, slightly clingy, and quiet. She had been beaten, evidenced by blood stains around the apartment, and was reportedly alive when she was put in the oven.

Police discovered the other three residents in the living room, holding hands and staring out the window. A bible was clutched in John Lane’s hand. Upon deeper investigation and interrogation, John Lane told police that he saw Angela as evil, and that she appeared to him as green and covered in slime. He said that she was Lucifer, and she was sent to kill him and Cynthia. John Lane believed that beating Angela and cooking her in the oven was the only way to stop her from harming anyone.

Cynthia Palmer had a history of mental illness and abusive relationships, and it was clear during her interrogation that she had not known her boyfriend had thrown Angela into the oven. It came to light that John Lane had beaten Cynthia and forced her to take three handfuls of pills, including Xanax, Nardil, and Tylenol. When Angela was murdered, Cynthia was heavily drugged in the next room, fearing for her own life.

A trial in the following year revealed horrendous details about Angela’s death. Psychiatric testing was done on both Cynthia Palmer and John Lane, which played a part in each of their defenses. Ultimately, John Lane was found guilty of murder and sentenced to life in prison. Cynthia Palmer had the charge of murder thrown out, and was tried for manslaughter. She was acquitted and sent free. She lost custody of her 5-year-old daughter, Sarah, and later died in 2005 as a free woman.

Image sources:

  • dailymail.co.uk - “John Lane convicted of roasting Angela Palmer, 4, seeks new trial”


Episode 38: The Disappearance of Brianna Maitland


Episode 36: The Crash of Delta Flight 723