Episode 33: The Disappearance of Michael McClain

On April 20th, 2019, 29-year-old Michael McClain and two friends went to the Tropical Lounge nightclub (now called the Opus Lounge) on 14 West Hollis Street in Nashua, NH. In the early morning of April 21st, an altercation between two women broke out in the parking lot of the club. It was originally said that Michael had attempted to deescalate the situation, but it was later determined that he was not part of the altercation. Police arrived at 1:45am, and this is when Michael’s friends believe that they got separated.

The last time anyone heard from Michael was shortly after 2:00am when he called his boss, who he was close with and often got a ride home from after a night out. He sounded out of breath on the phone, and he stated “They’re after me. More than one”. When his boss attempted to call Michael back, there was no answer. He also sent three text messages to his neighbor: “HELP LOL OUR”, “what stood aloof”, and “Eldridge bro”. This last message was determined to be referencing Eldridge Street, which was located near the nightclub. Michael’s friends attempted to reach him for 45 minutes before returning to Manchester.

Surveillance footage from the nearby Riverfront Landing Apartment complex showed Michael entering and exiting the parking garage at 3:30am, but this is the last known sighting of him.

When Michael did not show up for work the next day and when his family did not hear from him over Easter and his sister’s birthday, it was clear something was wrong as this was not like him at all. Michael’s parents have traveled from CT to Nashua countless times to search for their son and go door to door asking questions and raising awareness.

Investigators believe Michael may have drowned in the nearby Merrimack river, but his parents say he is a strong swimmer and would not have drowned. His body has also not been recovered. To this day there has been no activity on any of Michael’s credit cards or social media accounts, and there have not been any further developments made in the case.

Anyone with any information on this case or Michael McClain’s whereabouts is asked to please contact the Manchester, NH police at (603) 668-8711, or the Nashua, NH police at (603) 594-3500. You may request to remain anonymous.

Image sources:

  • nbcnews.com - “Parents hold out hope for return of 29-year-old son”

  • lostnmissing.org - “Mike McClain”


Episode 34: The Mysterious Death of Bryan Nisenfeld


Episode 32: Mark Bechard