Case Profiles #19

Jocelyn McCready

On March 12th, 1995, two drivers with the Providence Journal began their route delivering papers door to door in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. On Grand Avenue they drove past a large blue tarp that was rolled up in an odd shape. After getting a bad feeling about the tarp and flagging down a police officer, it was revealed that the body of 19-year-old Jocelyn McCready was wrapped inside of the tarp. She had been strangled and beaten, and the most disturbing part is that autopsy revealed she was four and a half months pregnant. Jocelyn was also a mom to two young children. She had lived in Roxbury, Massachusetts and it was believed she was murdered there as she had no connections to Rhode Island. Jocelyn’s case is still cold and it was added to the Rhode Island cold case deck of cards. She is the eight of clubs. Anyone with any information on the murder of Jocelyn McCready is asked to please call 1-877-RI-SOLVE.

Regina Brown

On March 26th, 35-year-old mother of three Regina Brown was last seen at LaGuardia Airport in New York. She was supposed to have headed back to her home in Newtown, Connecticut, after sending her three young children to Texas to get away from her estranged ex-husband. Regina left behind all of her belongings, including a check for $1,000 that had not been cashed in. To this day, Regina Brown remains missing. If you or anyone you know has any information on the disappearance of Regina Brown, please call the Newtown Police Department at (203) 426-5841.

Image sources: 

  • - “Evidence being re-examined in 1995 murder of pregnant teen” 

  • - “A mother vanishes overnight” 


Episode 92: The Murder of DeAndra Florucci


Episode 91: The Attacks of Doreen Picard and Susan Laferte