Episode 101: The Hockey Dad Killer
Michael Costin with his sons
On July 5th, 2000, 43-year-old Thomas Junta had taken one of his two sons, 10-year-old Quinlan, to the Burbank Skating Arena in Reading, Massachusetts, for a hockey practice. Another dad, 40-year-old Michael Costin, was also there with his sons supervising the practice. The boys formed two groups and as they were scrimmaging, Thomas noted it had gotten a little rough and that it seemed like Michael was encouraging his sons to check and hit the other players. When Thomas approached Michael about this, Michael told him “That’s hockey”.
As the practice ended the boys went to the locker room and Thomas and Michael confronted one another again. Things got physical with Michael tearing at Thomas’ shirt, kicking at him with his ice skates and grabbing at his necklace before other adults at the arena pulled them apart.
Thomas stepped outside for a breather but returned to the arena where he and Michael got into another physical altercation. Several witnesses said that Michael swung at Thomas and then Thomas quickly got him on the ground and began punching him. Michael weighed about 160 pounds even in the full hockey gear he was wearing, while Thomas weighed about 270 pounds. By the time Thomas was pulled off of Michael he lay on the ground unresponsive. He was declared brain dead at the hospital and removed from the ventilator the next day.
It was revealed that Michael had sustained significant injuries to his brain, and Thomas was charged with voluntary manslaughter. During the trial multiple witnesses testified and the jury eventually decided on involuntary manslaughter especially as this was Thomas’ first offense.
Thomas Junta was released on August 27, 2010. He passed away on December 16, 2020 after a battle with pancreatic cancer.
Image sources:
capecodtimes.com - “Verdict: Guilty”
vanceholmes.com - “Hockey Dad from Hell”