Episode 67: The Perron Family
Ed and Lorraine Warren
In 2013, director James Wan released the well-known horror film, The Conjuring. While a spooky tale, spun with a lot of intrigue and captivating scenes, the truth behind the plot of the film is a little less heartwarming than what is portrayed on the big screen.
In 1971, Roger and Carolyn Perron purchased a 10-bedroom home in Harrisville, Rhode Island. It was perfect for their five daughters to play, as there was a ginormous yard for the imagination to run wild. However, soon after the family of 7 moved in, they began to notice weird happenings. Things being misplaced around the house, doors slamming shut, small piles of dirt appearing in the middle of a freshly swept kitchen.
It became very obvious to the Perron’s that there was something else besides them occupying their home. While there were some friendly spirits, such as a little boy who played with the youngest daughter, or two men quietly sitting at the dining table, there were a few that kept the family on edge. Namely, one in particular- Bathsheba. She had made her presence known by directly targeting the matriarch, Carolyn, and attempting to rid her of the home. Carolyn would have scratches and bruises appear, bleeding wounds surface, and restless nights with an awfully scary figure on the edge of her bed.
Self-proclaimed paranormal investigators, Ed and Lorraine Warren, made several visits to the Harrisville home in an attempt to assist the family. Unfortunately, their efforts didn’t completely remove the spirits, but the experiences did happen to improve. Over the course of nearly 10 years, the Perron’s stayed at the home, and eventually went on to tell part of their story over three decades later, in the form of the oldest daughter’s book series.
Image sources:
ew.com - “The Conjuring: The ‘real’ story in pictures”